There’s a long history of the Zionist lobby pressuring, bullying and cajoling critics of Israel and they’re now upping their tactics in a time of mass slaughter in Gaza

There’s a long history of the Zionist lobby pressuring, bullying and cajoling critics of Israel and they’re now upping their tactics in a time of mass slaughter in Gaza
Correcting unfactual spin in the public broadcaster’s stories of the Ukraine and Gaza wars, cost one New Zealand journalist his job, but the public is losing far more.
John Pilger’s final essay investigates why today there is ‘a silence filled by a consensus of propaganda’ as the world’s two greatest powers draw closer to conflict.
There’s never been so many obstacles in the way of investigative journalism – but there are opportunities and ways to challenge these silences.
Nicky Hager is one of the world’s best independent, investigative journalists; find out how he’s been challenging power for decades.
An Australian university has unearthed millions of Tweets by fake ‘bot’ accounts pushing disinformation on the Ukraine war.
Under the guise of protecting the national interest, Australia’s security establishment acts in secret to uphold the global US-led imperial order.
Newly declassified files from the National Archives of Australia show how the Department of Foreign Affairs provided PR cover for Indonesia’s genocidal scorched-earth campaign in East Timor.
Declassified Australia exposes and analyses a massive secret propaganda operation being run out of the US, that has been buried by Western media.
Britain assisted Australia in setting up a team modelled on the UK’s notorious Information Research Department to run influence operations in the Asia-Pacific in the 1970s, recently declassified files reveal.
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