Britain, Israel and Australia are refusing to release evidence of the killing of an Australian aid worker and six colleagues in Gaza in April.

PETER CRONAU is an award-winning investigative journalist, writer, and film-maker. His documentaries have appeared on ABC TV’s Four Corners and Radio National’s Background Briefing. He is an editor and cofounder of DECLASSIFIED AUSTRALIA. He is co-editor of the recent book A Secret Australia – Revealed by the WikiLeaks Exposés.
Britain, Israel and Australia are refusing to release evidence of the killing of an Australian aid worker and six colleagues in Gaza in April.
With Australians still adjusting to the new AUKUS military agreement, the United States has been quietly expanding and refocussing its satellite surveillance base at Pine Gap, preparing it to fight a nuclear war against China.
Australia’s secret support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, through Pine Gap.
On the anniversary of the Balibó killings, the Australian government is still holding tight to its secrets on the East Timor genocide. As the fight to unearth those dark secrets continues, we remember one of the heroes of that fight.
The Australian and British media are ramping up public fear of the rulers in Beijing, aiding a major military build-up, and perhaps conflict, by America and its allies
The majority of Australians prefer a policy of neutrality and oppose joining US wars under the ANZUS alliance, polling shows.
Queen Elizabeth II of England advised the Governor-General he could overthrow the elected government of Australia – and he did.
An Australian university has unearthed millions of Tweets by fake ‘bot’ accounts pushing disinformation on the Ukraine war.
Declassified Australia exposes and analyses a massive secret propaganda operation being run out of the US, that has been buried by Western media.
Britain assisted Australia in setting up a team modelled on the UK’s notorious Information Research Department to run influence operations in the Asia-Pacific in the 1970s, recently declassified files reveal.