An Alice Springs resident enquired about the preparations being made to protect her town if nuclear weapons are fired their way.

An Alice Springs resident enquired about the preparations being made to protect her town if nuclear weapons are fired their way.
Remembering the first nuclear-powered submarine visit to Australia sometimes neglects one inconvenient fact – it was nuclear armed.
A dangerous relationship with ASIO and an Australian law changed after the crime has made Dan Duggan a pawn in a grand US alliance strategy to demonise China.
With Australians still adjusting to the new AUKUS military agreement, the United States has been quietly expanding and refocussing its satellite surveillance base at Pine Gap, preparing it to fight a nuclear war against China.
NZ’s Waihopai satellite spy base, like Australia’s Pine Gap, has been revealed secretly geolocating targets for US military operations, but without the NZ government’s knowledge.
If a genocide in Gaza doesn’t move the hearts and minds in Washington to act, then it’s not likely they give a toss about what happens to Julian Assange.
First the CIA, now the US Dept of Justice, could take actions that would see WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange dead.
Australia’s secret support for the Israeli assault on Gaza, through Pine Gap.
With billions of dollars on the banquet table, Australia should choose its dinner guests wisely.
A new history of the Five Eyes intelligence alliance ultimately provides cover for those nations’ modern day crimes.
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