If you have tipoffs or ideas for Declassified Australia please send them directly to us using the methods below. Your message and identity will be kept confidential.
If you have a particularly sensitive tipoff, then you should consider contacting us from an anonymous Protonmail account directly to our encrypted Protonmail address.
However discretion is advised, as no form of communication is entirely secure.
Best security practice
- An encrypted Protonmail account needs to be set up from your non-work computer or device.
- Download the Tor Browser on to your computer, and use it to open an anonymous Protonmail account.
- Do not save the Protonmail password on your computer or device; close the account after each use.
- Don’t put any sensitive details in the Subject line of the email, as it remains unencrypted.
- Keep your initial email to Declassified Australia brief and focussed.
- Provide a phone number if you wish to be contacted via the encrypted voice Signal app.
- Email to us at DeclassifiedAus(at)protonmail.com
Direct message
- Direct message us through our unencrypted Twitter account @DeclassifiedAus