In defiance of international rulings to boycott Israel for its ongoing violence and brutal occupation of Palestinian lands, Australia’s exports to Israel have continued during the genocide.

KELLIE TRANTER is a lawyer, researcher, and human rights advocate. She tweets from @KellieTranter
In defiance of international rulings to boycott Israel for its ongoing violence and brutal occupation of Palestinian lands, Australia’s exports to Israel have continued during the genocide.
There’s a long history of the Zionist lobby pressuring, bullying and cajoling critics of Israel and they’re now upping their tactics in a time of mass slaughter in Gaza
Australia is continuing to expand its relationships with Israel’s defence sector, defying the UN’s International Court of Justice.
FOI document releases show that behind the press releases and statements of concern, lie the facts of the Australian government’s knowing support for some of the gravest human rights crimes of the century.
Hundreds of Australians’ family members holding valid Australian visas are being prevented from fleeing devastated Gaza – by the Israeli military, and the impotence of the Australian government.
The recent photograph of a new Australian-made weapon in Israel in the hands of an Israeli soldier raises questions about the ongoing approval of weapons exports to the country.
As Israel’s destructive war against Gaza continues, a complaint about a tweet of a prominent journalist will force a crucial test for Australia’s free speech, free press and democratic rights.
There are vital lessons and warnings that must be considered in the freeing of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange.
Newly declassified documents reveal how early and how much Australia knew of Israel’s genocide in Gaza after 7 October – and how it is failing to uphold its international obligations.
If a genocide in Gaza doesn’t move the hearts and minds in Washington to act, then it’s not likely they give a toss about what happens to Julian Assange.